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Payroll (inc. Benefit In Kind) Filing Solutions

We understand the importance of a timely and accurate payroll function, not least in order to comply with HMRC's 'Real Time Information' filing regulations but also to ensure staff get paid on time and the prospect of a mutiny averted!  All of our staff are capable of dealing with all aspect of payroll so that at any time in the standard working week we will be in a position to deliver a fast and efficient payroll service to you, providing you with payslips (in hard or soft copy format) and reports that contain all the information needed to ensure staff are paid accurately and on time.  Ultimately our payroll service aims to give clients peace of mind, safe in the knowledge that their payroll registration is fully compliant with HMRC regulations.

In addition to operating a payroll service year-round, we can also assist with the preparation of 5 April fiscal year-end 'Benefit-In-Kind forms' for members of staff who receive benefits in kind (e.g. company cars, health insurance, loans provided at below market rates of interest, etc.) who are not (or can not be) taxed on such benefits via the day-to-day payroll system.

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